Monday, August 9, 2021

NTFS Support in MacOS operating system

As state multiple times in my earlier article, Apple's MAC operating system has been my primary working platform and will do most of the stuff in my MacBook Pro. There has been situation, where the activities would have been much easier in MAC operating system and other activities that would have been much complicated. One such activity or the concern that I noticed while using my MAC is the NTFS support unavailability and would like to detail further about the complications in this article. Following are my observations
  • Lack of write functionality: Even though MAC operating system has functionality to read NTFS formatted drives or USB devices, there is no option to copy paste the files from MAC to the external drive. Often either the USB drive or External hard disk had to be formatted completely for the files to be copied. I understand there are many external solutions available as software to enable write functionality in NTFS formatted files system, However, most of those software functionalities are either to be purchased or had to extensive research to find freeware solutions.
  • Backward compatibility of MAC filesystem in Windows or other devices: Other concerning scenario is that, when the USB drive or external file device is formatted with MAC operating system, the files are not detected in most used Windows operating systems and other devices like music systems or TVs. Apple should have at least had commonly used filesystem for external drive or USB files. I understand that MAC enables users to format external devices or USB drive in FAT32 filesystem, however these filesystems are outdated and takes long time for the files to be copied. 
Hope, Apple brings this long-delayed NTFS filesystem support in its upcoming OS or at least have unified filesystem that are read by commonly used Windows Operating system devices and in other devices like music systems, TVs, etc. For more such articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in G R Team Sites. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Advantages of getting Treadmill through online Shopping 

As I stated in my earlier post, I was looking to get treadmill to ensure proper physical regime and to reduce excess weight. However, after deciding on getting treadmill, the major concern was the mode through which I can get my preferred treadmill and how it would be beneficial for me. I have detailed pros and cons of getting treadmill from in store in the earlier articles and wanted to detail pros and cons of getting treadmill from online store this article. 
  • Advantages: 
    • Prices are extremely affordable and can compare EMI’s between different banks 
    • Easier comparison of features between different brand treadmills available 
    • Expected delivery with commitment dates 
    • Availability of service parts readily available 
  • Disadvantages: 
    • Physical touch of the treadmill 
    • Service of treadmill and concerns of product quality post delivery 
    • Usability of treadmill in long run and availability of service parts 
    • Complicated Maintenance of treadmill options 
Hope I have detailed most of pros and cons of getting treadmill in online shopping mode and for more such articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in G R Team Sites.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

How to decide on giving mobile devices to the kids 

I have detailed of how giving mobile phones to young kids will impact their life and thinking if they were exposed to unwanted and unrelated contents. Since COVID situation is here to stay and online classes will be the future, I also needed to look out for viable option due my kid. Following was the considerations for me on deciding how electronic device to be exposed to my kid. 
  • App control: With Large number of applications available for free, the mobile device should have the ability to restrict only apps that are suitable for kids and for installing any application it should get authentication from the adult. 
  • No Smaller screen: With most mobile phones are compact to hold and use. Their screen size is a major concern for kids, as they are glued to the smaller screen size, and it may impact their eyesight in long run. So, the tablet would be right option for kids to attend their classes online. 
From the above detailed reasons, it may be clear that tablet would right and suitable options for kids to attend their online classes. To read more about certain topics, please feel free to check out the blog posts published in G R Team Sites.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Products not released from Apple during April event 

The Apple event has concluded on April 20th, and I was expecting few interesting products from Apple and eventually got disappointed. Below is the list of key products I was expecting from Apple:
  • Low cost or entry level iPad: I was expecting Apple to launch new baseline category for iPad by integrating older processor with old design pattern and bring it into the market at most affordable pricing. Eventually, the probability was low, if at all it was launched it would have been stellar success for Apple. 
  • Updated iPad mini: iPad mini was not updated for a long time and the design had not changed for an exceptionally long time. I was expecting Apple to adopt iPad Pro design to iPad mini and integrate with older version of processors with a slightly increased price. The probability was high on the product, but Apple had not made any statement or comment about the product in the scheduled event. 
In addition to the above listed expected products, I was expecting few more products from Apple and would like to detail about the same in my upcoming blog posts. Please feel free to check out the blog posts listed on G R Team Sites.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Reasons to move out of Google Photos 

The fluctuation of getting paid online cloud storage choice was growing harder than ever before, because of two major reasons 
  • Google has stopped unlimited photos storage and photos size will be counted against the Google account’s storage limit. Of course, this is ridiculous move, as it has now pushed me to lookout fire alternative online cloud storage choice with affordable pricing. 
  • As storing all important documents, photos and files in physical form is getting more complicated and all options seems outdated. It is because of failure rate of aged hard disk/external storage devices and complexity of accidental damage to those devices. 
With two of the above reasons have been the major force for me to lookout for online cloud storage, there was one more thing about the online cloud storage. It is none other than “ease of access to files & photos wherever you need and 0% failure rate in accidental damages”. Major hurdle I face now while looking out for online cloud storage is the affordability and most leading online cloud companies charge exorbitant pricing. To know more, please feel free to check out the blog posts is “G R Team Sites”